Sunday, September 16, 2007

I have always wondered what goodies people use to break their fast with during Ramadan. I want to believe that many like me take the trouble of making sure nice and delicious things are laid on the table. This is considering the huge amounts spent by all in preparation for the month. But does that translate into a deliberate plan to gorge ourselves with the best food?
I conducted a short survey of the food items that my friends and I usually have for breaking the fast. Here is the list of items below:
1. Fruits - mostly dates, fruit salad for few
2. Pap and Kosai - this is a standard menu in every home
3. Roasted meat (chicken or beef or mutton or fish) - the average family have this on alternate days
4. Peppersoup of either of the above meats - on alternate days mostly
5. Potatoes and eggs and plantain - the average family could two of these daily
6. Fura - standard menu for some during sahur
7. Milk and beverage -standard for breaking or sahur time for the average families.
Now the question here is whether the above represent a real delicacy in the true sense of the word. If people make sure they eat the above during Ramadan then what do they eat in months other than Ramadan? A much less richer diet?

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