Thursday, August 24, 2006



The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is in the news now for quite sometime. Is he the nut case of the Persian Region? I read one blog in which someone had theorized that every region has its own nut case of a leader. Gaddafi is the one for the Magreb and we know that from the macabre comments he makes everytime he opens his mouth. His comments on the recently concluded FIFA World Cup and especially Saudi Arabia’s participation is a testimony to his imbecility. First he condemned the games as a waste of money and then later admitted to watching with disinterest. On the Saudi Arabian team he had the temerity to claim that the players were all slaves of the Saud family. How preposterous of him to infer that because most of the players were black or darker than Arabs they are slaves. And slaves in this twenty first century? Come on Gadfly where have you been all these years?

Anyway Ahmadinejad was reported to have said that the state of Israel must be wiped out in order to have peace in the Middle East. I thought the remark was unwarranted and uncalled for. But just as I was getting ready to write on that, MBC 4 satellite channel advertised the CBS 60 Minutes Show in which Mark Wallace interviewed no other than Ahmadinejad. I primed myself to watch it but NEPA struck and I missed it.

Anyway I do not support the wiping of Israel one bit. And I want to believe that among the Jews there are good people as well as bad people. Euronews recently told the story of a Jewish doctor in Nasariyah town who grafted a donated eye to an Arab. The eye had belonged to a dead jew but was donated to the Arab by the jewish brother of the deceased. Now this is one good deed that is worth emulating. Also the medical wonders that the Haddasah Hospital in Jerusalem is performing for its patients including Arabs. The bad Jews could include people like Olmert, Netanyahu, Sharon and all the other hawks who are always gunning for war.

I want to believe that peace can be achieved now and both Israel and the Palestinians and the Hizbollah are all capable of working something out with the help of the International community. The EEC especially.

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